BLACK SABBATH's Geezer Butler, DEF LEPPARD's Rick Allen and Phil Collen, ROB ZOMBIE, JOAN JETT, POISON's Rikki Rockett and Rick Rubin are among the the people nominated for Sexiest Vegetarian Celebrity for 2008 by PETA UK. To vote for a celebrity click HERE.
According to a press release: "Being green, living healthy, embracing compassion and looking fabulous are all the rage in Tinseltown right now, with more and more celebrities finally figuring out that the best way to make all these things a part of their daily lives is by going vegetarian. Whether they chose to go veg to improve their health, to help end global warming, or to avoid contributing to the inexcusable cruelty to animals on factory farms and in slaughterhouses, one thing is for sure – all these vegetarian celebrities have won our hearts and the hearts of animals."
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